Engineers are characters in Elite Dangerous that can make modifications to almost everything you can add to your ship; hard points, utilities and internal modules. There are some exceptions, but not many.
When you start playing Elite Dangerous you will have 5 engineers in your list. As you level up each engineer in your list, you will discover new engineers. There are 20 in total and all require different actions to be taken in order to unlock them for use. The first two engineers you should unlock are Felicity Farseer and/or Elvira Martuuk as these engineers can increase the jump range of your Frame Shift Drive.
All engineers are located on planet surface bases therefore you need the Horizons DLC to access them.
The Engineers
Elvira Martuuk
Travel 300ly from start
Provide 3t Soontill Relics
Frame Shift Drive 5
Shield Generators 3
Engines & Thrusters 2
Shield Cell Banks 1
Felicity Farseer
Exploration rank Scout
Provide 1t Meta-Alloys
Frame Shift Drive 5
Engines & Thrusters 3
Shield Boosters 1
FSD Interdictor 1
Power Plants 1
The Dweller
Use 5 black markets
Pay 500,000 credits
Power Distributors 5
Pulse Lasers 4
Burst Lasers 3
Beam Lasers 3
Tod "The Blaster" McQuinn
Earn 15 bounty vouchers
Provide 100,000 worth of bounty vouchers
Multi-Cannons 5
Rail Guns 5
Fragmentation Cannons 3
Cannons 2
Liz Ryder
Befriend Eurybia Blue Mafia
Provide 200t landmines
Missiles 5
Torpedos 5
Mines 3
Hull Reinforcement 1
Armour 1
Zacariah Nemo
Elvira Martuuk grade 3-4
Befriend Party of Yoru
Provide 25t Xihe Companions
Fragmentation Canons 5
Multi-Canons 3
Plasma Accelerators 2
Juri Ishmaak
Felicty Farseer grade 3-4
Earn 50 combat bonds
Provide 100,000 worth combat bonds
Sensors 5
Detailed Surface Scanner 5
Mine Launcher 5
Missiles 3
Torpedos 3
Frame Shift Wake Scanners 3
Kill Warrant Scanners 3
Manifest Scanners 3
Lei Cheung
The Dweller grade 3-4
Traded with 50 markets
Provide 200t gold
Shield Generators 5
Sensors 5
Detailed Surface Scanners 5
Shield Boosters 3
Selene Jean
Tod "The Blaster" McQuinn grade 3-4
Mine 500t ore
Provide 10t painite
Hull Reinforcement Packages 5
Armour 5
Hera Tani
Liz Ryder grade 3-4
Empire rank outsider
Provide 50t kamitra cigars
Power Plants 5
Detailed Surface Scanners 5
Sensors 3
Power Distributors 3
Marco Qwent
Elvira Martuuk grade 3-4
Befriend Sirius Corporation
Provide 25t Modular Terminals
Power Plant 4
Power Distributor 3
Colonel Bris Dekker
Juri Ishmaak grade 3-4
Friendly with federation
Sol permit
Provide 1,000,000 worth combat bonds
Frame Shift Drive Interdictor 4
Frame Shift Drive 3
Ram Tah
Lei Cheung grade 3-4
Explorer rank surveyor
Provide 200t classified scan databanks
Heat Sink Launchers 5
Point Defence 5
Electronic Countermeasures 5
Chaff Launchers 5
Collector Limpet Controllers 4
Prospector Limpet Controllers 4
Fuel Transfer Limpet Controllers 4
Hatch Breaker Limpet Controllers 3
Didi Vatermann
Selene Jean grade 3-4
Trade rank merchant
Provide 50t lavian brandy
Shield Boosters 5
Shield Generators 3
Broo Tarquin
Hera Tani grade 3-4
Combat rank competent
Provide 50t fujin tea
Pulse Lasers 5
Burst Lasers 5
Beam Lasers 5
Professor Palin
Marco Qwent grade 3-4
5,000ly from start
Provide 25t thargoid fragments
Thrusters 5
Frame Shift Drives 3
The Sarge
Juri Ishmaak grade 3-4
Rank midshipman with federation
Provide 50t aberrant shield pattern analysis
Rail Gun 3
Cannon 5
Collector Limpet Controllers 5
Prospector Limpet Controllers 5
Fuel Transfer Limpet Controllers 5
Hatch Breaker Limpet Controllers 5
Lori Jameson
Marco Qwent grade 3-4
Combat rank dangerous
Any rank elite
Provide 25t kongga ale
Life Support 4
Detailed Surface Scanners 5
Sensors 5
Refinery 4
Fuel Scoop 4
Auto Field Maintenance Unit 4
Frame Shift Wake Scanner 3
Kill Warrant Scanner 3
Manifest Scanner 3
Shield Cell Bank 3
Bill Turner
Selene Jean grade 3-4
Friendly with alliance
Alioth permit
Provide 50t bromellite
Detailed Surface Scanner 5
Sensors 5
Plasma Accelerators 5
Life Support 3
Refinery 3
Auto Field Maintenance Unit 3
Fuel Scoop 3
Frame Shift Wake Scanner 3
Kill Warrant Scanner 3
Manifest Scanner 3
Tiana Fortune
Hera Tani grade 3-4
Friendly with empire
Provide 50t decoded emission data
Kill Warrant Scanner 5
Frame Shift Wake Scanner 5
Manifest Scanner 5
Collector Limpet Controller 5
Prospector Limpet Controller 5
Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller 5
Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller 5
Sensors 5
Frame Shift Drive Interdictor 3
Detailed Surface Scanner 3
Note: The pins shown above are only a guide to help decide which blueprints to pin
Dav's Hope / Hobbes Hope
Dav's Hope can be found on the planet Hyades Sector DR-V c2-23 A5 at the coordinates 44.818, -31.389
You can farm the following materials there;
chemical distillery, chemical manipulators, chemical processors, compound shielding, conductive ceramics, conductive components, conductive polymers, configurable components, electrochemical arrays, flawed focus crystals, focus crystals, galvanising alloys, grid resistors, heat conduction wiring, heat discretion plate, heat exchangers, heat vanes, high density composites, hybrid capacitors, mechanical components, mechanical equipment, mechanical scrap, phase alloys, polymer capacitors, refined focus crystal, salvaged alloys, shield emitters, shielding sensors, worn shield emitters
You can also get the following data from the Data Point;
cracked industrial firmware, classified scan databanks, specialised legacy firmware, tagged encryption codes, unusual encrypted files